Monday, December 30, 2013

Reflections from the Year

As the year draws to a close I am thankful. This month I have been particularly busy as all my children have been in and out celebrating the holidays with my husband and me so my empty nest has been a-buzz with activity, and while I write primarily for their benefit, I am thankful for you too dear readers.

I wanted to take a moment to thank those of you who have reached out to me via email, and those of you who silently visit my blog, daily. I am humbled at how many of you there are and from how far away you come. I know that I am not one of those bloggers who write every day and sometimes my posts are few and f-a-r between but you keep coming back and I hope that the Lord blesses you with what He gives me to share. As always He pricks my heart first…

I am super excited about an upcoming event on my blog, I have asked a dear friend to share her story, and she has agreed to do so. Those of you who know me, or who have been reading a while know that I just finished leading a study on Respectable Sins, and the upcoming blog will be in an interview format concerning a sin that my friend was overtaken by, and how she overcame it.

My blog is dedicated to growth…my growth, my children’s growth, your growth, and understanding how to better love one another with the love and compassion of Christ. He ate with the vilest of the sinners, because that’s all there were was sinners. The Pharisees couldn’t wrap their minds around that, that’s why He called them white washed tombs. They prettied up the outside, while inside they were filled with all manner of vileness. They thought they were “ok”, and pointed at those they thought were the vilest among them, never realizing that they were the ones who were the vilest by refusing to examine their own hearts.

We WILL struggle against the sin within as long as we are breathing on this earth, but we don’t have to be ruled by it. Every day we can choose peace, because the King of Peace came in the flesh to make peace between God and man.

So from our family to yours…may 2014 find you an overcomer, may you choose peace instead of war with your enemies and may you remember that joy does not depend on your circumstances, it is an unshakable thing, found in Christ.


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