It was eight years ago that a hurricane named Katrina changed the lives of many residents in Southeast Louisiana, our family included, and those along the coast of Mississippi. Some of those people have moved on with their lives and prefer to forget the past, but my daughter who is majoring in Anthropology and knows the value of the past, would say that is not always a good thing
Today in Waveland there is a little museum opening up with the
bits from the lives of these people that remained after the storm devastated that region. For many of the
older residents that is all that remains of their childhood.
I am going to visit that museum today, to pay my respects to those who lost
their lives that day eight years ago, to remember how gracious God was to our
family, and to put value on the past those people lost. If you are in the area,
you can visit too, you can read about it here.
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