Monday, April 27, 2015

Bruce Jenner and "Her"

I watched with great interest the Diane Sawyer interview of Bruce Jenner.

I wanted to hear what he had to say. As a conservative Christian for many years (the kind who didn't "drink, smoke or chew, or go with those who do") I remembered back to those days when I would not have even considered listening to an interview like this.

How sad.

The interview got me thinking about a conversation I had with my nephew a few years ago as we were studying Proverbs 22:6  As we studied we discussed how the Hebrew meaning of "in the way he should go" was much stronger than the English and literally reads "according to the measure of his way". As we continued studying we discovered that the word "way" or Hebrew "derek" means"road, journey or course of action, mode of habit, of duty and moral character both good and bad."

So as we studied we began to realize that each of the children (and myself included as I was once a child) was born with their own set of talents, and abilities and tendencies or sins, or "bends" or sin-bends" if you will. In other words we are each born with a particular way in which we will sin. We are MORE partial to this type of sinning. We l-e-a-n toward THAT sin more than others. We struggle there where others do not.

As we wrapped up our study time my nephew looked up at me and asked, "So, Aunt Gail, does this mean homosexual people are born that way?" I could not answer him. I did not know the answer, but, it made sense. It IS a sin, and as humans we ARE born into sin.

What I DO know is this:

As I have grown and matured as a believer I have learned that Jesus did not shy away from loving those among us who seemed to be THE most unlovable. He put His hands on those whom society cast out and He healed them. In many cases He went to where they were. He rejected no one, except the Canaanite woman.

He rejected her not to crush her but to strengthen her.

Richard Sibbes put it like this:

"God doth always hear though He seemeth not to hear at times to increase our importunity. Christ heard the woman of Cannan at first; but yet to increaseth her importunity, He gave her the repulse and the denial, and with the same, inward strength to wrestle with Him...God seems not to hear, because He delights in the music of His children's prayers. Oh! How He loves to hear the voice of His children! As a father to hear the language of His child, though it be none of the  best; so it is sweet music to God's ear to hear the prayer of His children. He would have prayers to be cries. Therefore He defers to hear; but in deferring, He doth not defer, for He increaseth our strength as Jacob's wresteling, that we might cry out after Him and offer violence to Him again."

God gives the repulse, the denial AND the strength to wrestle with Him.

I know that God does not make mistakes, and I believe this.

I also know that there are people who are born into this world with both male and female genitalia. As I listened to the interview, I was presented with evidence that said in utero these people are bathed with the hormones that "make" them male or female. (I'm paraphrasing the information but that's basically what they said) Suddenly I remembered back to when I was bearing my own children and I remembered reading something that was supposed to be a joke that said male babies were bathed in utero with testosterone, and  (here comes the supposed punch line) "THAT'S why they are brain dead" but this science behind transexualisim says that the male babies DON'T get this testosterone or maybe the female babies get the testosterone. In any event, I DO NOT KNOW.

I DO know that we ABSOLUTELY can NOT treat people with anything other than love and respect. Ever. For any reason. Period. We certainly can not run, screaming in the other direction because we do not understand what they are going through. I believe if we are open and honest and don't bash people with the bible but truly seek to have open honest dialogue we might actually get somewhere in our discussions. If we seek understanding.

Look, I am NO theologian. I COULD be totally off base.

Casting Crowns wrote a song called "Jesus Friend of Sinners" and one of the lines says this:

"Nobody knows what we're for only what we're against when we judge the wounded; what if we put down our signs, crossed over the lines and loved like He did?"

That's all I'm saying...I don't know any transgendered people, but I had a sister who struggled with homosexuality for most of her adult life. She attempted suicide multiple times because of the shame associated with that particular sin. I lost too many years with her because I attended a church that taught me I could have nothing to do with a sinner like her. What that church didn't teach me was that I really couldn't have anything to do with my self either, because I am a sinner too.

Lemme ask you a question. If THAT much hate was directed towards you and your little secret sins, how do you think you'd handle it?

Something to think about.

Look around you today and seek to really see those you interact with. Ask yourself if you can love that person like Jesus did, and then DO IT. Jesus was and still IS a friend of sinners ya'll, and me? I'm the biggest, fattest one of them all.



Anonymous said...

Someone very dear to me who I thought I knew very well, just told me that they have been struggling with same sex attraction since their pre-teen years. They are now in college and have decided to adapt this struggle as their life-style. I am devastated. I love this person with all my heart. I am so sad that they suffered in silence and torment all these years. I would never turn my back on them, however I cannot embrace or enable this lifestyle. This person is a believer and has been misled by pastors (yes you read right) and people at her Christian college that she can be both gay and a Christian, serving God in the church. I am so conflicted. I know I am called to love, I just don't know how to establish healthy boundaries so my love isn't interpreted as acceptance of sin. If you have any suggestions in this regard I would be so appreciative.

Gail said...

It is a difficult balance, but here's a question I want to ask you (I'll address the gay and being a Christian and serving in ministry in a minute) How do you love other sinners? Sinners who you know are actively still choosing to sin...prideful people, liars, gossips, people who willfully stir up trouble in the body?

Proverbs 6:16-19 calls all of these things an abomination as well (many people quote that homosexuality is an abomination but forget that these are as well)

"These six things the Lord hates, indeed seven are an abomination to Him, a proud look (the spirit that makes one over estimate himself and under estimate others), a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood. A heart that manufactures wicked thoughts and plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies (even under oath) and he who sows discord among the brethren."

As to being involved in sexual sin and serving in ministry, I would say whomever is advising him/her is ill advised. Homosexuality is a sexual sin and like adultery, or fornication if someone was/is actively participating in one of these sins they should not be in ministry, they should however IMO be welcomed into the church where they can be ministered to.

Finally, yes, I believe a homosexual can be and they are believers, the same as any other sinner. Homosexuality is a sin, and since we are sinners saved by grace, I believe we can struggle with certain sins our whole lives and still belong to Christ.

I mentioned my sister struggled with homosexuality her whole life. There was a time she embraced the lifestyle (to my knowledge) and there was a time she told me she hated it and wished she could be free of it; but she ALWAYS struggled with it. I wrote some blogs a while back where I interviewed a friend of mine who struggled with this particular sin the blog is called Tangled. Here is the link for part one of the interview I did with her.

please go and read her story.

I will be praying for you. I know how difficult this must be for you, I know how difficult it was for me, but I urge you not to waste time with your loved one caught up in legalisim, but rather let God's grace flow through you to him/her.


Anonymous said...

Me,again. I've actually thought about how I react to and love other sinners before. You see when people claim to be homosexual, they are taking on an identity. Most times they seem to be very proud of that identity. My identity is a child of God, wife, and mother. Taking on the identity of homosexual is constant 24/7 rebellion and unrepentant sin. In fact many homosexuals are all too eager to inform you of this identity soon after you meet them. As a young 20 something professional, I once had a male supervisor who was homosexual and I was often subjected to listening to him tell about his relationships with other men.

Getting back to how I love other sinners. Most other sinners aren't proud of their sins. They wouldn't want that sin to be their identity. They aren't necessarily living in that sin 24/7 so I'm not having to look at them and see that sin as who they are. For example: I'm not proud of it, but I have lied, gossiped and I'm sure have stirred up trouble. I am not proud of that and it is something I know that I've done wrong immediately after I've done it and I feel horrible about it. I am repentant. I do not seek to repeat that behavior.

In the case of my loved one. She is still relying on me and my husband for financial support. My husband and I have asked her to discontinue her relationship with her girlfriend. In our council with her we told her that we didn't feel like she was ready to be involved in any type of serious romantic relationship (heterosexual or homosexual). We saw this relationship that she was currently in as codependent. As one where she was trying to rescue this girl from an eating disorder and other problems in her life. We asked our loved one to try to just work on ways that she can develop healthy friendships and relationships with other people. We found a Christian counselor near her college campus and are paying for counseling sessions to try to help her work on this. However, after telling us that she would discontinue her relationship with her girlfriend, we have found out that she has lied to us (big surprise). So the BIG dilemma we are now being faced with: Do we make financial support contingent on whether or not she follows through with our counsel? I read your blog Tangled and I pray that the situation with my loved has resolution like hers. Right now I'm just desperately trying to figure out what action God would have me take in this situation.

Gail said...

Hi "Me Again"~

I understand what you are saying about a person you are closely tied to who is enjoying their sin, and you are correct their is a difference between someone who is a sinner and someone who willfully chooses to sin.

My husband and I had to have a tough discussion with one of our children a few years ago. We found that they were willfully choosing sin. We sat them down and talked with them at length about their choices, and told them how MUCH we loved them but that we could not allow them to live under our roof and continue to behave in a way was contrary to our beliefs (and a way contrary to their previous professed beliefs) the child in question agreed with us, but could not dis-entangle themselves from their situation. We told them then that we were then releasing them as the prodigal son and we knew that they would return to us some day. We did not cut off all communication, we did remove all financial help.

It was a very heartbreaking time, and there was a break in the relationship. Thankfully the Lord has restored that relationship, but it was nearly two years of broken communication and another two years before it became what it is today.

I would encourage you to keep those lines of communication open however you can, no matter how uncomfortable it makes you, and always, always stress how much you love her.

I re-read what you wrote about not wanting your love to be misinterpreted as acceptance of sin and the next thought I had was "While we were yet sinners Christ died for us"

I am praying with you for your resolution to this situation and hope you will share it with me when it happens. xoxo

Anonymous said...

It's me once again. Thank you for being so candid about a difficult situation that you faced and even better... it's resolution! That is so encouraging to me. Also, I needed to be reminded: "While we were yet sinners Christ died for us". Brings tears to my eyes on so many different levels. I appreciate your Biblical guidance and prayer!