Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Last One Flies the Coop

I'll be a little behind with session seven's post. Please forgive my tardiness.

I've been preparing for the high school graduation of my last child, and our second Salutatorian.

Some people would say that these accolades don't really mean much in the "real" world. But to our family they do mean something. It means that we have taught our children to apply themselves. To discipline themselves with hard work, to deny themselves the pleasures they think they may deserve in the moment to accomplish a goal and isn't that what the Christian walk is all  about?

So in all of our life, in all of our training, should we not be teaching and training our children to apply those same principles to every area of their lives?

How MUCH sweeter will it be for US as parents that THEY learn these lessons long before we do/did.

I could not be prouder of my four children and the ones that God supernaturally placed into our home and hearts. Not because of anything ~I~ did, but because of the AMAZING works He has done through me, in each of them, and by them He will affect this sin stricken world.

 How awesome that ~I~ got to be such a small part of THAT.


Johanna A. said...

Congratulations. Nice photo.
God's blessings,


Gail said...

Thank you Yoka :-) pray all is well with you and yours