Monday, April 16, 2018

New Year, New Computer

I have been without a computer for "a minute" as the young kids say, and that has prvented me from keeping my blog on a regular schedual. I appreciate those of you who continue to read, and I promise I WILL finish Matthew West's bool "Hello My Name Is"

THANK YOU for your love and support...

In the mean time, God continues to bless our family...We have had two graduations (one from graduate school and one from college) my husband and I were recently able to travel to Europe (which is AH-MAZING) and beiing self employed and also empty nesters we set our own hours and spend lots of time doing things we didn't have time for when the children were younger.

While you wait for the next chapter, won't you catch me up on whats been going on in each of your lives? I love hearing from you either here or via my email.


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