Friday, January 30, 2015

An Apology

I have to ask those of you who faithfully read my blog to forgive me.

The next chapter in the study "Relationships: A Mess Worth Making" was/is on forgiveness. As I read through the chapter I was convicted that I had not forgiven someone in my life. I was angry as I read through the chapter and I did not want to be hypocritical and write about forgiveness knowing that I was witholding forgiveness from someone in my own life.

Since my last post (in October!) I have prayed a lot, I have talked with one of my daughters, I have studied what the Word has to say about forgiveness and I have sought the counsel of my friends, and I was able to offer forgiveness to this person.

The post on forgiveness is coming soon, and I will explain my journey then, but until then, I appreciate your support. I appreciate you all continuing to read the older posts and telling your friends about this blog. As the banner at the top of the blog states, these are the reflections from the heart of a lesser woman. I am a traveler JUST LIKE YOU, following in the steps of my Master.

Man, I can't wait to see Him, face to face but until then, I'll keep decreasing so He can increase.



Johanna A. said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Gail, I have not read your posts for awhile. I think one is too hard on ourselves. We are forgiven and with His grace we can forgive though at times it feels we haven't. The Lord will look after the rest. Looking forward to next post. God bless. Johanna A.